&hint1=I am a 20th century sculpture by Boccioni& &hint2=I am an example of Cubism in sculpture& &hint3=I stand as a vision of the future but my medium and subject matter are firmly rooted in the Classical past& &hint4=I depict a man who has the form of a machine striding into the future& &choices=Photograph of Eiffel Tower under construction;Unique Forms of Continuity in Space;Eiffel Tower;Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of the Grande Jatte;Bauhaus Stairway;In the Time of Harmony& &answer=Unique Forms of Continuity in Space& &search=Boccioni Unique& &title=Unique Forms of Continuity in Space& &artist=Umberto Boccioni& &medium=Bronze& &date=1913& &location=The Museum of Modern Art, New York (acquired through Lillie P. Bliss Bequest)& &dimensions=3'7 7/8" x 2'10 7/8" x 1'3 3/4"&